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how long is my

Nine months? 39 weeks? 3 due dates? 270 days?

Just how long is my pregnancy exactly?


As soon as you realize you are pregnant, one of the first things you will want to know is your due date. In order to clear the confusion, your pregnancy is counted starting from the first day of your last menstrual period. If you are not sure of the first day of your last period, your due date can be calculated based on early (usually 6-9 weeks) pregnancy Ultrasound. It is convenient to keep track of your pregnancy in weeks rather than in months, remembering that average pregnancy is 40 weeks. When your due date is assigned early in pregnancy it should not change with additional examinations or follow up ultrasounds.


In this Amazon® day and age when we anticipate accurate ETA on date of delivery, it is important to recognize that your due date is only an approximate three/four week time period. It is purely a targeted area during which you will meet the most important person in your life! The target area will not change but the due date might be quite different from the birthday since medical issues sometimes change your situation. Mark this period on your calendar so that you will know when you’re within the delivery time zone.


The best way to keep track your progression towards your due date is to remember the day of the week of your due date. This way every Monday, Tuesday, etc. you will know that you are one week closer to meeting your baby. Additionally, a lot of milestones and tests in pregnancy are based on your week’s gestational age.


Celebrate every week as you get closer to the moment you meet your baby and let’s have a phenomenal pregnancy experience!




Experience the highest level of prenatal care as we integrate the best and safest medical practices so you feel safe every step of the way throughout antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum care. 



am I in labor?

The time has arrived…or has it?

The question of “Am I in Labor” is as exciting as it is worrisome.


Every pregnant mother monitors any unusual sensation as a signal whether or not this is that special day. No labor is the same experience and so we at LAiMA are here to guide you through the “home-stretch” of this pregnancy.


There are certain protocols in labor that are different based on your situation, so if…

  1. You have any previous medical conditions diagnosed in pregnancy?

  2. You have previously had a C-section or uterine surgery

  3. You are before 37 weeks in pregnancy (Watch our LAiMA video “Preterm Labor”)

  4. Your water broke (Watch our other LAiMA video “You Think Your Water Broke”)


then please refer to specified LAiMA information, since the process of labor will be different if you have one or more of these conditions. However, if you don’t have any of these conditions and are past 37 weeks, then read on.


As you are experiencing the final weeks of your pregnancy, it is important to remember that labor is a process. If you are a first-time mom the question of whether you are in labor is even more worrisome than if you have been through labor before. However, even if you have been in labor before, it is important to remember that process of labor can still be very different. Still, since you are an expert mom, you know that there are signs which signal the arrival of your baby.


It is very difficult to be able to tell whether you are in labor or not unless your cervix is checked and a change is confirmed. However, if you have contractions every 5 minutes for a period of an hour, that is a good indication that you need to be checked. Additionally, if you feel more pressure than before, than that too can be a signal. Remember though that labor is process and if you have any concerns any time, call LAiMA and we will answer your questions and help you.


We believe that in order to have a phenomenal pregnancy experience, it is crucial to feel safe and connected with your LAiMA pregnancy professional during the process of labor.


Be patient and remind yourself that this is a time of celebration.



Congratulations! You are experiencing the very common and early sign of pregnancy.


The good news is that this is short lived and will subside usually by 10-12 weeks. Recognize that this is a common thing in pregnancy, and remember to celebrate your pregnancy even through this time.


Three things to watch out for are:


  1. Continuous vomiting in pregnancy (5 or more times a day)

  2. Unable to keep anything down over a 24-hour period

  3. Feeling continuously lightheaded and weak


If you find that you have one or more of these symptoms, call LAiMA immediately and we will determine the next step.


Remember to take it easy, take a nap and rest more. You are experiencing physiological changes in pregnancy and so you must listen to your changing body. On the practical end, begin monitoring and adjusting your diet based on food, smell, and/or time of day. Avoid cold drinks and spicy foods in pregnancy during this period, since they often add to nausea in pregnancy. You can also consider an acupuncture band (P6/B6 band). Do all the above together since it will increase the likelihood of your body responding and minimizing nausea. If however you find that you still require help after making these adjustments, you may require prescription medications in addition to continuing with the above recommendations.


While most moms will find themselves dealing quite well with morning sickness, we encourage you to follow the algorithm and call our Center any time with specific questions and concerns.

How to

How to celebrate pregnancy through your sleep?


You might find that even in early pregnancy, many of your basic life routines have been changed, uninterrupted and restful sleep being one of them. Changing sleep patterns is quite common in pregnancy and you are not the only mom experiencing difficulties getting a good night’s sleep.


As always, the first thing to address is whether you have any preexisting medical conditions or have been diagnosed with pregnancy related diseases (i.e. cardiac, diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure) [Please refer to the algorithm] If so, avoid sleeping on your back for now and call our LAiMA center and we will create personalized sleep routines to accommodate your specific pregnancy needs.


If you don’t have any preexisting medical or pregnancy diagnosed conditions, we recommend to first make natural adjustments to your sleep routines. It is best to limit media and to avoid eating in the evening right before going to bed.

Preparation will make a great difference in your sleep outcome. You will be more comfortable if you have things ready ahead of time, such as water and a snack (cracker and/or protein bar) next to your bed, as well as ventilating your room with fresh air. Closing the shades or wearing a sleep mask will also help you have a more restful night.


Remember to listen to your body when finding the most comfortable position before going to bed, keeping in mind that you will naturally shift positions during the night. Because of this, you will be more comfortable by propping yourself up with pillows and/or rolled up towels. If you are unable to fall asleep, please refer to the medications cited in the algorithm.

Simply by changing a few habits, being prepared ahead of time, and taking a moment to recognize your baby before you go to bed, you will find that your sleep experience will be monumentally better.


Our goal is for you to be as comfortable as possible so that you can celebrate your pregnancy through your sleep. 


It is quite common to have headaches in pregnancy especially during the first trimester. 


You are going through physiological changes, such as increased fluid volume and hormonal changes, so first trimester moms commonly experience more headaches than usual. However, if you have any preexisting conditions, high blood pressure, or a history of migraines it is a good idea to talk to your LAiMA pregnancy professional.


Otherwise, look at the algorithm below and it will help you determine what to do. Simple lifestyle adjustments often make a big difference. Give yourself time to rest, stay hydrated, and taking extra sleep is very important. We find that headaches like these affect non-pregnant women as well, and so additional sleep will truly do wonders for your pregnancy experience.



Bleeding In Pregnancy

We understand that bleeding is always concerning in pregnancy, however it is quite common and is not always a sign of an ominous outcome.


However, there are a few things we want to share with you in order to keep things under control, make you more comfortable, and answer your potential questions. It is important to understand that no bleeding is the same and so it would be a mistake to compare your situation with that of someone else. With that said there are three major questions we have to answer in order to understand where you are in terms of pregnancy and your bleeding.


  1. How far along are you in your pregnancy?

  1. How much or how heavy is your bleeding?

  1. Do you have any preexisting medical or pregnancy conditions that you have been diagnosed with?


Answering the above questions will help to clarify your situation. Please, use the algorithm below to help you navigate through the above questions. Call us anytime, even if you feel that yours’s may not be a serious event and you just want some peace of mind.

Lab Work

In order to make your experience phenomenal, it is vital to stay active and exercise during your pregnancy


If you have exercised in the past, well done - it is excellent for you to continue. However, if you are thinking about just starting now, then this is the perfect opportunity to begin!


It is crucial though to adjust your exercise based on how you feel and not to challenge yourself to the point that your pregnancy experience is suffering. You are different now, and so it would be a mistake to compete with non-pregnant women or even yourself before your pregnancy. Trying to break previous, personal records would not be fair since you have a different body now.


LAiMA method has personalized routines specifically for you, targeted on celebrating your overall experience. Even if you feel that you CAN do more, why do it when you don’t have to? You have no reason to prove yourself a supermom because we all know you already are! Your goal during this time is not to see what your athletic limits are but rather to enjoy your pregnancy through your exercise.


Gentle aerobic exercise (run, jog, stationary bike) 2-3 times a week for 30-40 minutes is excellent. Continue your usual exercise as long as it does not take away from your overall pregnancy experience. However, for the sake of you and your baby’s health, there are some intensive activities which are not safe and we strongly advise against, such as contact sports, skiing, etc.


It is important to stay hydrated during your exercise, so sip on a water bottle every 5-10 minutes. If you ever feel dizzy, have a headache, or any bleeding, stop immediately and call our LAiMA center. Remember that you are in a special time and we want you to have the best possible experience. Your exercise will truly help you make the most out of this beautiful time. Download the LAiMA algorithm below and call us any time.


Enjoy your pregnancy through your exercise !


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