You Are
Physiological Changes In Pregnancy
Congratulations, you are pregnant! No matter how early you are in your pregnancy, you are in fact 100% pregnant! Even from as early as five weeks, you will discover that your body is completely different. Your baby really is like a small but powerful SWAT team which arrives and quickly takes over the building. Before you know it, they are controlling the building much to the owner’s surprise.
Every part of your body is different, everything from how your heart works to how your lungs operate. These physiological changes are having a huge impact on your body, very much like a superhero’s transformation! Since these changes occur very quickly, it is crucial you recognize and appreciate them since they represent the start of the most beautiful time of your life.
Acknowledge these changes and be sensitive to your body, and most importantly do not try to compete physically or emotionally with other non-pregnant people. If you discover that there are certain activities you were able to do prior to your pregnancy which are not as enjoyable, recognize this and step back, since now is the time to enjoy your pregnancy.
Always remember to appreciate these changes since just like that superhero, your body has been transformed as a force for greatness.

Feel comfortable as we provide the best holistic wellness care to support you throughout your phenomenal pregnancy experience. This includes the most tried, reliable technology, nutrition, bodywork, as well as care from our trusted partners who are chiropractors, acupuncturists, lactation consultants, family therapists, prenatal yoga instructors, and more!
Travel In Pregnancy
Wow, you get to go away…or should you?
Things used to be simple when you were traveling by yourself, but now you have another, little person coming with you on your trip! As overwhelming as traveling in pregnancy may seem at first, there are a few things you can incorporate that will make both your travel and your pregnancy experience phenomenal.
Before you set off on your journey, it is very important to plan ahead since preparation is the key. Arrange your trip so that you have more time to travel since this will take away the stress of unexpected delays. Dress comfortably (consider compression stockings) and drinking plenty of fluids in order to prevent dehydration as you travel. If there is long distance driving in your trip, have someone else drive instead of you. Remember that as simple as driving may seem, we are after creating the best pregnancy experience for you, so it would be in everyone’s best interests if you sit back and enjoy the ride.
From the medical standpoint, there are few things to remember. First it is important to take time if you are driving or flying to get up every 2 hrs and walk for 5-10 minutes and use the restroom. Second, you want to make sure that when you travel, you are aware of the environment you are going to. If you are traveling to areas especially with the current Zika virus or simply questionable hygiene and access to medical care, call LAiMA and we will answer your questions and discuss the best safety procedures for your pregnancy travel.
When it comes to late travel (third trimester and above) the further along you are, the less fun travel is going to be. We insist on making your pregnancy the center of your priorities and not just the social situation around you. While you have to check with specific airlines, most airlines have a cut off for pregnancy travel at 36-37 weeks. This is much further along than we recommend in order to have a phenomenal pregnancy experience. In our experience, late pregnancy travel often leads to less than phenomenal experience. Patients often come back dissatisfied simply because the travel turned out to be more hassle and worry than fun.
Adjust your life to your pregnancy rather than adjusting your pregnancy to your life. If you have specific questions while you are away, please call our LAiMA center and we will answer all of your questions. Have fun, and enjoy your trip!
Let’s have both a phenomenal travel and pregnancy experience!
Expert Mom
Our goal is to make this pregnancy a unique and phenomenal experience for you.
As a mom who already has a baby, you might think that having another baby would be a similar if not the same process compared to your previous pregnancy. If you are pregnant and not a first time mom - an expert mom - we want to tell you that this pregnancy is different in three ways:
- You are different
- Your situation is different
- Pregnancy methods are different
You are very much a different person now compared to when you were pregnant with your first child. Your body has changed and you have matured through the experience of pregnancy. Now that you are an active mom, you are also mentally stronger compared to when you were younger. Because of your prior pregnancy experience(s), you are now a veteran of pregnancy—a battle-hardened, expert mom. You are indeed a different person compared to before.
The life situation around you has also changed since the time of your previous pregnancy. First of all, now you have a baby to take care of, which certainly changes your life situation quite a bit! Your family situation might also have changed such as moving to a different city or transitioning to new job position. Lastly, the world around you has changed since there are now new ways of approaching pregnancy compared to even a few years ago. There are medical innovations and protocols as well as new lifestyle trends such as stylish maternity clothes and instant online communications.
There is also a new way of taking care of pregnant moms:
LAiMA - A methodology of prenatal care focused on creating an overall pregnancy experience.
As you are embracing this new pregnancy, take a moment to celebrate its uniqueness. In the midst of your daily routines, focus on the child growing inside you. Now is the time to meet and know your child before you even meet face to face. Keep sight of the fact that this is a new baby— a new person—and so take time to embrace this feeling of significance in your motherhood.
We at LAiMA are here to help you celebrate the life of this baby and to enjoy this new pregnancy.
Epidural Or Not?
Should I get an epidural during my labor? Is it safe? Will it diminish or jeopardize my birthing experience?
These are the questions we often find new and experienced moms asking in our LAiMA center.
We believe it is important to discuss epidural anesthesia during labor in context of our overall discussion of pain control in labor and how it relates to mom’s experience during birth. As always, our first focus in on safety. It is difficult to focus on creating great experience if mom is not assured that she and her baby are safe. So, it is important to understand that, as a procedure, epidural is generally safe and widely used in North American hospitals. A lot of the information available about epidural, whether online or in literature, is severely outdated and does not reflect the current state of modern anesth
A second issue that often comes up during conversations is the idea that epidural somehow disempowers women during labor. We find that personal empowerment does not come from outside sources and that it is a mental attitude that determines how mom is going to feel during her labor, rather than the type of pain control she chooses. In that regard, epidural is not an automatically disempowering choice. Your mobility is limited after receiving epidural and it is important to understand such limitations.
So, while it is safe and not disempowering, should you get one?
We want to recognize your individuality and uniqueness as a mom. Therefore, since your own experience is not something that can be duplicated, we recommend not to make a decision ahead of time but rather to come with an open mind, planning to be safe and have phenomenal experience. That means we want ALL the choices be available for you.
The victory of your birthing experience is not whether you end up getting or not getting an epidural, but whether you are able to connect with your body and be emotionally present during this amazing experience.
Birthing Plan
What should be on my birthing plan? How important that I have one written down? Will people acknowledge and respect my birthing plan?
These are the questions that often give our patients sleepless nights and worry, along with hours of internet searches and conversations with relatives and friends. So… do you need a birthing plan and if so what should be in it?
Interestingly, we have found that the idea of “birthing plan” is a concept originated few decades ago in response to a discouraging trend that was prevalent in many of the US hospitals. At that time, women had very little information available to them and sadly very few choices in terms of their pregnancy and delivery experience. In short…it was before LAiMA!
Since then many things have changed. Not only is more information readily available concerning the services provided by each facility or medical group, but there are new medical guidelines that keep physicians and midwifes accountable to more patient-centered care. Also, there is now LAiMA to help you prepare mentally and practically for this amazing day.
Nevertheless, should you have a written “birthing plan”? We have found from our pregnancy research laboratory and the experiences of our patients that the best experience during delivery day is rooted in mom’s ability to hold the essence of this event at the center of her mental focus. We have found that a written list of multiple items only diminishes mom’s and dad’s ability to “see the big picture.” Instead, what must be one of the most important moments of their life becomes a “check mark competition” during which even the smallest, unfulfilled expectation becomes a reason for huge disappointment for emotionally exhausted couple.
LAiMA birthing plan is quite simple:
Let’s plan to have a baby and PLAN to have a Phenomenal birthing experience!
Focus on mental preparation, don’t write things down, be flexible, don’t miss the moment!
Watch our videos and read blog entries on mental preparation and delivery day.